Saint Dunstan

Gift time, talent and treasure to Saint Dunstan

Volunteer your time, talent and treasure to Saint Dunstan . It is true that while the pandemic lasts there is some level of restriction we are all going through. But after this time which shall surely pass, we have lots of possible ways in which you can be of support to your community of faith. Whether in the form of the gift of time and talents in several areas (singing, reading, teaching , serving on our different committees [e.g Finance, Education, Pastoral]; teaching catechism, engaging in youth ministry, helping us with the website and e-newsletter, helping to design comics/cartoons and writing of stories for same, office assistance, ushering, practical help with several areas of maintenance of the church and many more areas of life, ) or in the helpful area of donating to the church for her many needs, we shall be grateful for whichever way you choose to serve the Lord by being of service to your parish community. Indeed, as Saint Thérèse of Lisieux is famed to have said, "some go to the Mission by giving; others give to the mission by going." Choose a way to be of support to your parish and contact us through the office. Thank you for your time, talents and treasure.